Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Dear blog readers

Hi everyone, it's been a while hasn't it.  That's because I thought I'd leave lots of time for responses to the reader survey to arrive.  It's been over a month now since I posted the survey, and all seven of you have responded.  So, to the seven of you, thanks for your interest.

I originally intended this blog to be a way for my friends and family to keep up with all the adventures I've been having as a result of my move.  Sad to say, none of my children and only one of my siblings responded to the reader survey.  Also, most of my Yukon friends, who I thought might be interested in the differences between there and here, are conspicuous in their absence.  Yes, it's been disheartening.  It's not that the adventures have stopped (do you know what a "large morning" is?  have you ever picked wild leeks?  do you know there's a bird whose call sounds like a rusty hinge?)...  This world is still fresh and new to my Yukoner eyes.  But I'm sorry, it's taken the wind out of my sails to learn that the people I thought would be the most interested in this blog are occupied elsewhere.

I don't think I'll give up entirely, because I've enjoyed creating these posts.  But I'm going to step back for a while.  If the original intention for the blog is irrelevant, I have to figure out what it's to become.

Thanks again for reading...


  1. Aww, Cath, I don't know if it's any consolation, but you are having exactly the same experience as every other blogger I know. It took about four years for my dad (and Michael's) to get on board -- no exaggeration. One of my blogging friends (whom I've never met in person, but is a blogging friend of a real-life friend) lamented to me that no one in her family ever comments on her posts.

    The people who read and comment on any given blog are usually (a) other bloggers you've connected with or (b) the non-blogging blog addicts who are part of the community as commenters. It's kind of a distinct world all its own and it takes while to build an audience. With that in mind, I wonder how many closed/private blogs last more than a year?

    I can't tell you how much I enjoy going back and reading the old posts on my blog. That may sound a touch self-absorbed (!) but since I stopped keeping a regular journal in high school, this has turned out to be the way I've marked the highlights and every day thoughts long the way.

    I think you might be a journal-writer yourself, so perhaps keeping a blog for this purpose is redundant to you... but I sure have enjoyed reading your adventures. I've been remembering to check in every once in a while, too; you ought to be proud of yourself for being able to instill a new habit in me! :)

  2. I get anywhere from 100-250 views a day, depending on how often I'm leaving entries. Maybe 1-2% of my readers actually comment on any given entry. Seven responses to your survey?! That's pretty darned good!

    I know that I'd be reading more frequently if I was able to subscribe to your blog through RSS (for which you would need to be using a non-restricted blog). Going and checking on websites is just not something that I do. As a reader, it's frustrating to check a blog (or bunch of blogs) only to find that there's nothing new. I've followed too many sites that just stopped being updated to bother doing that any more. That's why I'm such a big fan of the RSS thing. Through RSS I can be notified any time there's an update.

    I understand if you'd like to keep your blog private, but it does make it more difficult for people to stay up to date. I would LOVE it if you took your most excellent blog and made it public. Then I could RSS and know right away when you've made another interesting entry.

  3. Being invited to your blog was like Oh my God the best birthday present I've ever received. Don't give up yet - I'M reading it. You help me stay centered.

  4. Cath, I concur with the sentiments that you have expressed here, about family disinterest in reading your blog. I suppose the only way for we wannabee writers to keep on keeping on, is to write, since that's what our soul so demands of our material self.

    We do it for love; we do it because it needs to be released. We are amateurs in the purest sense of that French word. This forum allows us to connect with ourselves. No expectations, therefore no disappointments.

    With my own scribbling, one would think with the increase in consciousness out there, that many would be interested in a house that only costs $74 ea./mo to run in electricity; one that only burns 3/4 bush cord to heat in the winter. Alas, that has not been the case.

    Many are wring and yes, much of it is drivel. Not to worry, as there are still lovers out there, souls who feel with open hearts and write as if there's no one reading. The Friend feels all our prayers, does not hear the words, only the emotions we portray through the words.

    Bless you baby!
