Wednesday, April 7, 2010


My backyard is obviously a springtime hot spot for birds looking for worms.  A few days ago, I counted 35 robins; and there were others out of my line of sight.  Today, there were almost the same number of birds, but mixed species: robins, starlings and five (!!) of these beauties.  This is a Yellow-shafted Northern Flicker.  It's quite a large bird and very colourful, with a red head patch, distinctive black bib on the chest, a white rump when flying, and bright yellow on the underside of the wings.  All five were males, I believe; the distinguishing mark for males is the black "moustachio" strip beside the beak, which can be seen quite clearly in the middle photo.  When one bird would stray too close to another's feeding ground, there would be a display of strutting and wing-beating.  At first I thought it was courtship, but no, just back-off-buddy-yer-on-my-turf.  Wish the photos were better... but this is the best I can do with my point-and-shoot.  Oh, for a motor drive and telephoto lens at moments like this...

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