Sunday, March 21, 2010

Trade show

What do you do when you're a come-from-away, newly living on the Bay of Fundy, and there's an ad in the newspaper for a commercial fishing trade show?  You show up!  I couldn't resist...  and talked my friend, Kate, into coming with me.  She took some of the photos that follow.  We saw exactly what you'd expect to see; things like:

Lobster traps...

Boys and buoys...

Survival gear... 
Diesel engines...

Shiny props...

Little boats...

And a great big boat...

Lots of fishermen there (emphasis on the "men").  Kate's a blonde bombshell, recently back from a trip to Mexico so even more glowing than usual.  Suffice to say that, being among the few women in the crowd, we attracted a bit of attention. *wink*