Hi everyone, it's been a while hasn't it. That's because I thought I'd leave lots of time for responses to the reader survey to arrive. It's been over a month now since I posted the survey, and all seven of you have responded. So, to the seven of you, thanks for your interest.
I originally intended this blog to be a way for my friends and family to keep up with all the adventures I've been having as a result of my move. Sad to say, none of my children and only one of my siblings responded to the reader survey. Also, most of my Yukon friends, who I thought might be interested in the differences between there and here, are conspicuous in their absence. Yes, it's been disheartening. It's not that the adventures have stopped (do you know what a "large morning" is? have you ever picked wild leeks? do you know there's a bird whose call sounds like a rusty hinge?)... This world is still fresh and new to my Yukoner eyes. But I'm sorry, it's taken the wind out of my sails to learn that the people I thought would be the most interested in this blog are occupied elsewhere.
I don't think I'll give up entirely, because I've enjoyed creating these posts. But I'm going to step back for a while. If the original intention for the blog is irrelevant, I have to figure out what it's to become.
Thanks again for reading...
Another One Bites the Dust...
14 years ago